Saturday, October 25, 2008

Closed for the Season

Well everyone,
We are now closed for the season. We will be opening again next year, with the redone spider web. That's right, the spider web won the most votes, so our tenth anniversary maze will be the web. See you next year when we can tell you to "Get Lost" agian.
:) Melissa :)

Monday, October 20, 2008

Last Week/Prince George Cougars

Hi there,
Well, this week is the last week of the cornmaze. After 9:00 p.m. Saturday, October 25, 2008, we will be closed for this year. If you are still wanting to come out, now is the time. This morning we had the Prince George Cougars WHL team at the maze. They came in the team bus, and it was pretty cool. Anyway, thanks for keeping up with the blog.
See you,

Monday, October 13, 2008


Well, the maze only has twelve days left including today (Thanksgiving Day) so if you want to come out, now is the time! The nights are getting dark sooner, and so night runs are pretty neat right now! Also, if you have not already voted, you can go online to our website ( ) and vote for your favorite maze. The maze with the most votes will be redone next year for our 10th anniversary. Wow, 10 years already. Pretty awesome! Well, check it out, you never know, your favorite maze might be redone next year!

Thanksgiving Day

It's Thanksgiving Day! We are open today from noon until 8:00 p.m. Thanksgiving goes well with the theme: Thank You Canada. My Dad, the corny farmer, finally became a Canadian this year! Yup, we are thankful! Well, the cornmaze sure was a-MAZE-ing this year. (Ya, I know that was CORNY). Oh SHUCKS, if you come out you might be followed by a STALK-er. Well, those are the corny puns that we have heard this year. If you've got any good ones, post a comment, we like corny jokes around here :)

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Corny Season

So, the cornmaze season is in it's last month. October 25 is the last day of this year's maze. If you want to come out, now is the time to do it. Night runs are especially fun. Just bring a flashlight and some friends and get lost! Saturdays are cool, there are kids activities (crafts and stuff) in addition to the usual activities. The maze design is a Canadian Flag and it says Thank You Canada and Support Our Troops. So ya, if you want to come out, it's a ton of fun!
Melissa, the Corny Corn Guide


Hey Everyone,
This is my new blog. It's subject is the Lethbridge Cornmaze. The maze is open from the first Saturday in August to the last Saturday in October. It is a blast. Besides the 7-acre cornmaze there is a petting zoo, pumpkin slingshot, cow train, playground, bale jump and a concession stand. It's pretty awesome! If you're interested, the website is